
Graphic can contain geometry, a symbol, attributes, or an infoTemplate. A Graphic is displayed in the GraphicsLayer. The GraphicsLayer allows you to listen for events on Graphics.


require(["esri/graphic"], function(Graphic) { /* code goes here */ });


Name Summary
new Graphic(geometry?, symbol?, attributes?, infoTemplate?) Creates a new Graphic object.
new Graphic(json) Creates a new Graphic object using a JSON object.


Name Type Summary
attributes Object Name value pairs of fields and field values associated with the graphic.
geometry Geometry The geometry that defines the graphic.
infoTemplate InfoTemplate The content for display in an InfoWindow.
symbol Symbol The symbol for the graphic.
visible Boolean Indicate the visibility of the graphic.


Name Return type Summary
attr(name, value) Graphic Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on the graphic's node.
draw() Graphic Draws the graphic.
getContent() String Returns the content string based on attributes and infoTemplate values.